
First international conference in languages, literature humanities, and social sciences

10 and 11 of July, 2024 SUBMIT PAPER

At the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Rabat


Important Dates

  • Event Dates: July 10-11, 2024
  • Deadline for Submitting Research Abstracts and Poster Ideas: April 26, 2024
  • Deadline for Submitting Research Poster Content: June 10, 2024  June 15, 2024
  • Notification of Accepted Proposals: May 15, 2024
  • Deadline for Submitting Final Research Papers for Presentations and Posters: June 10, 2024  June 15, 2024


Enrolling in a doctoral program is a momentous achievement for researchers, as highlighted in a report by the Supreme Council for Education, Training, and Scientific Research (2017). It signifies an important shift from being a passive recipient of knowledge to comprehending the fundamental principles of one's specialized area, ultimately enabling the research student to actively contribute to the advancement of knowledge under the mentorship of seasoned scholars. This transition is contingent upon the student's adeptness in employing rigorous research methodologies and sustaining a consistent level of scholarly productivity.

In accordance with the implementation of the pedagogical regulations, which place importance on the necessity of training doctoral research students in line with international standards, as well as on the need for their acquisition of essential knowledge for conducting advanced scientific research—particularly in terms of research quality, scientific methodology, and critical thinking—the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences at Mohammed V University in Rabat, in collaboration with the Centre for Doctoral Studies, organizes an international conference targeting doctoral students in the disciplines of languages, literature, human sciences, and social sciences.

Conditions for Participating with a Research Paper

The research must be documented according to the APA style. For research written in Arabic, the "Traditional Arabic" font should be used, with size 14 for the text and size 12 for the footnotes. For research in foreign languages, the "Times New Roman" font should be used, with size 12 for the text and size 10 for the footnotes. The abstract should not exceed 250 words, and the research paper should not exceed 8,000 words.

This conference provides a valuable platform for facilitating communication and collaboration among researchers. It also aims to promote interdisciplinary connections and inspire students to generate scholarly work. Additionally, the conference seeks to encourage the exchange of ideas and engagement in scientific research workshops. The ultimate objective is to assist doctoral students in mapping their academic journeys, whether it be through the successful completion of doctoral programs, the presentation of research findings at national and international conferences, or the preparation of peer-reviewed scientific articles or concise thesis posters.

Accepted research papers and posters will be published in a collective book by the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences in Rabat and made available on the faculty's official website.

How to Participate in the Conference

There are multiple ways for students to take part in the conference:

  • Attending the opening sessions of seminars, which include important educational contributions delivered by university professors.
  • Delivering papers that highlight the progress made by students in preparing their theses.
  • Submitting indexed articles.
  • Presenting a concise poster of the thesis.
  • Presenting the thesis in 180 seconds.


The inaugural international conference in the areas of languages, literature, and social sciences is designed to accomplish the following objectives:

  • Highlighting cutting-edge research across various fields of the humanities, including history, literature, philosophy, linguistics, Islamic studies, social sciences, and psychology.
  • Assisting doctoral research students by providing opportunities for presenting their work through sessions and workshops, and receiving constructive guidance and feedback from field experts and specialists. This aims to facilitate dialogue and interaction between different areas of expertise and enhance interdisciplinarity.
  • Incorporating digitization and informatics in the humanities, and examining the role of modern technology, such as artificial intelligence and data analysis systems, in enhancing research.
  • Promoting scientific publication by advocating for open access publishing and facilitating knowledge exchange to ensure that humanities research is accessible to a wider audience.

Conditions for Participating in the Research Poster Competition

The poster must include all the elements that the researcher deems essential to present the research topic and provide a clear and concise idea about it. The content of the research poster must be sent to the conference's email, and the authors of the accepted proposals will be notified of the formal specifications required for presenting their posters and selecting the winners.

General Conditions for Participation

Participation is open to all researchers working on their doctoral theses. The doctoral research topic must fall within the fields of languages, literature, arts, humanities, or social sciences. The student must have completed at least two years in the doctoral program. The submitted research or poster must be directly related to the thesis topic and specific to the conference. It must not have been presented at another conference, published, or submitted for participation or publication elsewhere. The research or poster must be endorsed by the doctoral supervisor.

Researchers should submit abstracts, complete research papers, and the content of the research poster using the following link:

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